XAT Exam Analysis

On January 7, 2024, XLRI Jamshedpur will hold the online XAT 2024 for MBA admission on behalf of the Xavier Association of Management Institutes (XAMI). On July 15, 2023, the XAT 2024 application period was opened. Candidates planning to take the XAT 2024 exam offered by XLRI Jamshedpur can review the XAT analysis from the previous year and the projected cut-off here to gauge the exam's difficulty level. According to top experts and other coaching centres’ analyses of the XAT exam from the previous year, the XAT 2024 paper is predicted to be moderate to difficult.

Exam XAT 2024 Analysis and Expected Cut-off

XLRI Website will publish the XAT analysis and anticipated cut-off here following the conclusion of the XAT entrance exam. Probably in the first week of January 2024, the XAT exam analysis will be made public. This year's exam is predicted to be moderately to severely challenging.

The two portions of the XAT exam pattern 2024 are separated into three sections each: Verbal and Logical Ability, Decision-Making and Quantitative Aptitude, and Data Interpretation. Essay writing and GK questions make up the second portion of the XAT.

The XAT exam now lasts 10 minutes longer than it did last year. Therefore, the XAT exam 2024 will start at 2:00 PM and end at 05:30 PM this year as well; as a result, the exam's total time will be 210 minutes, which was 180 minutes earlier. Candidates can view the XAT exam analysis from last year and the XAT predicted cut-off below.

XAT Paper Analysis: Previous Year

Previous year's XAT exam analysis shows that the test will be between moderately and highly challenging. It was mentioned as having a greater level of difficulty by a few XAT candidates who had taken the XAT exam. The XAT Quantitative Ability component was rated as moderate to difficult, while the VA section was likewise moderate with only a few challenging questions.

The Decision-Making part was a little challenging because so many of the questions dealt with ethical concerns. This year, the XAT exam was held for a duration of 3 hours and 30 minutes due to enhanced XAT exam timings by the authorities.

Last year's XAT analysis 2023: Highlights

In 2023, the essay portion of the XAT exam was added, and the exam's overall length was extended to three hours and ten minutes. According to the examination of the XAT, the key changes that were made to the XAT are listed below. Additionally, it should be noted that some of these changes were already included in the XAT exam from the previous year. The XAT exam paper had the following adjustments last year.

  • Restored essay writing test: The updated XAT exam format included one descriptive question in the Essay Writing section.
  • Introduction of NAT questions: A new class of Numerical Answer Type (NAT) questions has been introduced by XLRI in response to XAT analysis. Candidates must input their numerical response to the NAT questions using the virtual keypad that appears on the computer screen.
  • If there are more than 8 unattended questions, candidates will be penalized with a negative marking of 0.10 marks each unattended question.
  • The XAT entrance exam's first segment was extended by 25 minutes for visually challenged candidates. For part 2, or the GK section, there was no time concession. Additionally, the overall length of the XAT exam has been extended by 10 minutes.
  • Sectional: For the first part of the XAT exam, candidates had 165 minutes, and for the second, they had 25 minutes.

XAT Exam Analysis: Overall Comparison of Last Year and Current Year

Section-Wise Last Year XAT Analysis 2023:


Number of questions

Difficulty level


75 Total MCQs(165 minutes with no sectional time limit)

Verbal and Logical Ability


Easy to moderate

Decision Making



Quantitative Ability & Data Interpretation


QA- easy

DI sets- Moderate to difficult


25 Total MCQs(15 Minutes)

General Knowledge



In Total Questions (Part 1 + Part 2)



Section-by-Section New XAT Exam Pattern 2024


Number of Questions


Question Types

XAT Part-I – 75 MCQ

Verbal Ability and Logical Reasoning (VA&LR)



Vocabulary, English grammar, reading comprehension, critical and analytical reasoning, and other related exercises like para jumbles and cloze examinations.

Decision-making (DM)


There will be examples from both the personal and professional questions in the DM section. To make wise decisions, candidates will need to use critical thinking, problem-solving techniques, and prioritization.

Quantitative Aptitude and Data Interpretation (QA & DI)


Arithmetic, algebra, geometry, mensuration, Clear interpretation, concise summation, and perceptive analysis of the data


Mock Keyboard Testing



The candidates will be required to type on the keyboard to test it.

XAT Part-III – 26 Questions

General Knowledge (GK)



10 Static GK questions

15 current affairs questions.

Analytical Essay Writing (AEW)


250 words essay


Important Changes to the XAT 2024

According to the pattern from the previous year, there will be a total of 101 questions in the entrance exam, and candidates will have a total of 180 minutes to complete the entire XAT question paper. A further 10 minutes will be allotted if there is an essay writing portion. There will be a total of five sections in the XAT exam format in 2024.

  • The general knowledge and essay writing elements have been integrated into Part 3. Instead of the previous 25 minutes, this section will now last 30 minutes.
  • The only question that won't be an MCQ is the essay. Total multiple-choice questions on the test will be 101, with 76 in Part 1 and 25 in Part 3.
  • GK test results won't be considered for calculating the final XAT score.
  • The XAT paper is now 210 minutes long instead of the previous 190 minutes.

Verbal and logical ability, decision-making and quantitative ability, data interpretation, and general knowledge are the major portions that will determine the XAT percentile, while essay writing is taken into account throughout the shortlisting process.

Is Checking the XAT Analysis Important?

The XAT analysis should be reviewed, that much is true. This enables you to assess your performance on the XAT exam and identify your areas for improvement. The study sheds light on the test's general level of difficulty, the kinds of questions included, and the distribution of scores. You can use this information to direct your study for upcoming tests and to help you concentrate on your areas of weakness.

XAT Exam Analysis from the Last 5 Years

XAT 2021 was comparable to XAT 2019 and XAT 2018 in terms of difficulty. Regarding the various sections, DM was on par with XAT 2019/2018, with the predicted XAT 2021 cut-off being in the range of 8.5–9 marks (8–8.5 for XLRI HRM). The level of VALR was comparable to that of the XAT 2019, however, it was a little simpler to read and understand.

The sectional cut-off was predicted to be between 8 and 8.5 points (for both programs). The QA was simple, but a few of the DI sets were challenging. The cut-offs for the XLRI BM and XLRI HRM exams were predicted to be about 10.5 and 11, respectively.

Overall, the XAT cut-off for the XLRI BM Program is anticipated to be between 32.5 and 33.5 points, while the HRM Program is anticipated to be between 30 and 31 points.

Exam Year

Total Number of Questions

Section-wise number of questions

Marking Scheme

Level of Difficulty

XAT 2023


VARC: 26

DM: 21

QA & DI: 28

GK: 25

Essay: 1 (to be evaluated upon shortlisting)

+1 for each right answer

-0.25 for each wrong answer

0.10 deducted for more than 8 consecutive questions that are not attempted

Easy to Moderate

XAT 2022


VARC: 26

DM: 21

QA & DI: 28

GK: 25

Essay: 1 (to be evaluated upon shortlisting)

+1 for each right answer

-0.25 for each wrong answer

0.10 deducted for more than 8 consecutive questions that are not attempted

Moderate to difficult

XAT 2021


VARC: 26

DM: 21

QA & DI: 28

GK: 25

+1 for each right answer

-0.25 for each wrong answer

0.10 deducted for more than 8 consecutive questions that are not attempted

Moderate to difficult

XAT 2020


VARC: 26

DM: 21

QA & DI: 28

GK: 25

+1 for each right answer

-0.25 for each wrong answer

0.10 deducted for more than 8 consecutive questions that are not attempted

Moderate to difficult

XAT 2019


VARC: 26

DM: 21

QA & DI: 27

GK: 25

+1 for each right answer

-0.25 for each wrong answer

0.5deducted for more than 8 consecutive questions that are not attempted

Moderate to difficult

XAT 2018


VARC: 24

DM: 21

QA & DI: 27

GK: 25

One essay topic

+1 for each right answer

-0.25 for each wrong answer;

0.5deducted for more than 8 consecutive questions that are not attempted

Moderate to difficult


Previous Year's XAT Cut-off (College-wise)

XAT Colleges

XAT Score

XAT Percentile

























Great Lakes Institute of Management



KJ Somaiya-Mumbai





Q1. When will the XAT 2024 exam be held?

The exam for XAT 2024 will be held on January 7, 2024.

Q2. What is the PGDM-BM anticipated XAT XLRI cut-off?

The flagship PGDM-BM XLRI XAT 2024 cut-off is anticipated to be at the 95%ile.

Q3. What is the anticipated XAT XLRI cut-off for the PGDM-HRM in 2024?

The cut-off for the XLRI XAT 2024 for PGDM-HRM is anticipated at 93%ile.

Q4. Do all MBA schools that take the XAT have to adhere to the XLRI cut-off?

No, the XAT-accepting universities established their cut-off points for admission. Cut-offs for XLRI are specific to admittance to a particular institution.

Q5. When is the XAT cut-off declared?

Within a day or two of the announcement of the XAT results, the XAT cut-off is announced.


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