XAT Preparation

Among students interested in management, XLRI is one of the most esteemed institutions to join. XAT 2024 is going to be the toughest version of the XAT exams this year, for admission to XLRI and other institutes. Passing the Xavier Aptitude Test (XAT) requires careful planning, smart study habits, and perseverance. Want to start getting ready for the XAT exam 2024? You will find this post to be of great assistance as it provides you with clear guidance on what to do and what not to do as well as the best tools for XAT 2024 preparation.

Carefully planned XAT 2024 preparation will allow candidates to secure good XAT scoresand apply to major B-schools such asIMT, XIMB, TAPMI, XIME, and BIMTECH, in addition to XLRI. Understanding the XAT exam pattern and syllabus is the first step in your strategy for XAT 2024 preparations. You can use this to create the ideal plan and strategy and perform well on the XAT exam 2024. Therefore, it is crucial to understand the XAT syllabus and exam pattern as well as the sectional breakdown of XAT 2024 before learning "How to start XAT 2024 preparation".

How can I begin preparing for the XAT?

Learn the XAT Exam Pattern First: The XAT 2024 is a test for candidates seeking admission to the MBA/PGDM programs offered by XLRI universities. You can look over this to learn more about the XAT exam pattern, including the format, number of questions, scoring system, topics, and time allotted for the test.

XAT Exam Pattern 2024


Key Elements

Conducting body for XAT

XLRI Jamshedpur

Mode of the exam

Computer-based test


Three hours

Type of questions

Multiple-choice questions

Number of questions

100 MCQs+ 1 Descriptive question




Marking scheme

+1 Mark for each correct entry

0.25 deduction for every incorrect entry (except general awareness)

0.10 marks deduction for more than 8 unattended questions

No negative marking in general awareness



Number of Sections


Five sections

Quantitative Ability and Data Interpretation

Verbal and Logical Ability

Decision Making

General Knowledge

Essay Writing


XAT 2024 Sectional Composition



Number of Questions




XAT Part 1

Verbal Ability and Logical Reasoning (VA&LR)



Decision-making (DM)


Quantitative Aptitude and Data Interpretation (QA & DI)


XAT Part 2

Mock Keyboard Testing




XAT Part 3

General Knowledge (GK)



Analytical Essay Writing (AEW)



Tips for preparing for the XAT 2024 Section-By-Section:

The Xavier Aptitude Test, or XAT, is one of the most sought-after entrance tests for management candidates in India. The exam, which is given annually by the Xavier Association of Management Institutes (XAMI), is intended to assess the aptitude of applicants for admission to some of the best management institutes in the nation. As the XAT 2024 exam date draws near, candidates must intensify their study plan and bear several crucial considerations in mind to increase their chances of success. In this post, we'll focus on a few key ideas that every candidate needs to bear in mind for XAT 2024 preparation if they want to do well on the test.

It is clear from prior XAT toppers that effective time management is necessary for XAT preparation. You should bear in mind the following important exam characteristics while you prepare:

  • Be sure to take notice of the most recent XAT 2024 syllabus before you begin your preparation.
  • Make a list of the top books for XAT preparation.
  • To succeed in any sector, you must have a game plan. Similar to this, you must have a schedule for your XAT preparation.
  • Download and complete XAT practice tests and sample papers from previous years.
  • The XAT exam has a 210-minute time limit, during which 101 questions must be answered.

How should I begin getting ready for the XAT Verbal and Logical Ability Section?

The grammar, vocabulary, and reasoning-based questions (Critical Reasoning and Jumbled Paragraphs) on the Verbal Ability/Verbal Reasoning and Logical Ability sections are very evenly distributed. This segment has traditionally been dominated by the critical reasoning and reading comprehension domains.

Your advantage here is that you understand the fundamentals of grammar. Among the best tactics are:

  • Strike a delicate balance between your ability to read quickly and to comprehend.
  • Work on at least 4 RCs each day. Start with brief RCs to prevent boredom while you are still getting ready. Make an effort to read a passage line by line. If you start solving various RC formats frequently, you'll need to practice this.
  • Learn all the passage tones, as the tone of the author is one of the most frequent exam topics. The tones can be sarcastic, ironic, dogmatic, funny, fiery, nostalgic, etc.
  • By signing up for daily online alerts of one vocabulary word, you can improve both your vocabulary and grammar. Discover its opposites and synonyms. You learn all of the word's applications in this way.
  • Learn how prefixes and suffixes affect meaning; this will greatly assist you in responding to questions based on vocabulary.
  • The time duration for this section is 175 minutes.

Books to consult for preparing Verbal and Logical Ability Section:



Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension

Ajay Singh

Analytical Reasoning

MK Pandey

High School English Grammar & Composition

Wren & Martin

Word Power Made Easy

Norman Lewis

A Modern Approach to Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning

RS Aggarwal


XAT 2024 Tips for Quantitative Ability and Data Interpretation Preparation

Since time management is so important in the exam, you should start by answering the simpler questions. You can use the following preparatory advice for this part.

  • Keep in mind that, unlike the CAT exam, the XAT does not have an on-screen calculator. Therefore, if the calculation is difficult, you can only succeed in the part if you have enough practice with it.
  • Math, algebra, permutations and combinations, number systems, probability, functions, time and work, data interpretations, and geometry are frequently the topics of the questions.
  • It takes a lot of time and practice to become an expert in calculation. It's imperative that you sharpen your estimation and calculation abilities for this portion.
  • Practice creating bar graphs, tabular graphs, line graphs, and pie graphs.
  • As these ideas are employed in the majority of the problems, learn the idea of increasing percentages as well as fraction numbers up to 30.
  • While answering practice questions, make mental calculations and become familiar with shortcuts.
  • The DI sets can be moderately challenging to extremely difficult and include a lot of calculations. Therefore, try to solve as many DI sets as you can throughout the day.

Books to consult for preparingQuantitative Ability and Data Interpretation sections



Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examination


Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examination

RS Aggarwal

Data Interpretation for the CAT

Nishit K Sinha

How to prepare for Data Interpretation

Arun Sharma


How can I begin the XAT part in preparation for decision-making?

Because this segment can be challenging, candidates should concentrate on their aptitude and managerial abilities. You will be asked questions based on various circumstances here. The purpose of the questions is mostly for the authorities to evaluate your judgment. These topics cover a wide range of challenges, including moral challenges, personnel management issues, financial questions regarding a company's income, and general management scenarios.

Try to choose your questions carefully so that you can provide objective responses when deciding what actions to take. Don't let your emotions make you develop your own biases since it will distort your judgment.

Books to consult for preparing the decision-making section:



Jabbing the XAT (with solved papers)

RK Jha

Target XAT (Past papers and mock tests)

Disha Publication

Analytical and Logical Reasoning

Arihant Publications


How do I begin my XAT 2024 General Awareness preparation?

  • Here, news related to business and economic awareness will be emphasized more. Therefore, read newspapers like The Financial Express, The Statesman, etc. every day.
  • Read the newspaper every day to stay current on local, national, and international topics.
  • Concentrate on honours, books and authors, and geography in the static GK segment. Start practicing your GK as soon as possible.
  • The time allotment for the GK and essay writing section is 30 minutes. Give the GK portion 10 minutes, and the essay 20 minutes.

Read the following Newspapers and or periodicals for General Awareness

Economic Times

Newspapers and Magazines

The Financial Times

Competition Success Review

Business Today

Business World

Hindu Business Line

The Hindu

Wall Street Journal

Financial Express


Preparation for XAT 2024 Using Mock Exams

Mock exams for the XAT 2024 preparation must be a crucial component. Toppers advise you to take at least two to three practice exams each day. In order to assess your strengths and flaws, you must also analyse the mock exams. This can help you become more proficient by increasing both your speed and accuracy when you answer the questions on exam day.


Q1. Which areas will the XAT questions be drawn from?

The parts from which the questions will be drawn are:

  • Data Interpretation and Quantitative Skills
  • Logic and Verbal Ability
  • Making Decisions General Information

Q2. How long will XAT 2024 last?

The XAT examination lasts for three hours.

Q3. Is XAT more difficult than CAT?

If you are well-prepared for the CAT, you can easily pass the XAT as well. Students, however, describe it as challenging because it includes an additional Decision-Making portion.

Q4. What are the number of questions on the XAT 2024?

In the XAT 2024, there will probably be 100 questions and 1 essay writing.

Q5. What is the benefit of doing the XAT 2024 practice test?

Mock tests help you become more proficient by increasing your speed and accuracy when answering questions on exam day.


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