XAT Syllabus

Since XLRI Jamshedpur has not established an official XAT Syllabus for 2024, the conducting body is free to set the XAT exam as they see fit. The parts from which XAT 2024 questions will be drawn include Verbal and Logical Ability, Decision Making and Analytical Reasoning, Quantitative Ability and Data Interpretation, General Knowledge, and Essay Description, per the XAT MBA syllabus over the years. On January 7, 2024, XLRI Jamshedpur will hold the CBT portion of the XAT 2024. To learn more about the 2024 XAT exam syllabus, topics covered, etc., read this article.

XAT Syllabus 2024

By practicing with the CAT and other management exams' syllabuses, aspirants can become ready for the XAT Syllabus 2024. In each part of the XAT 2024 (except for Essay Writing), there will be 22–27 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) with five possible answers. If/when the applicant is chosen for the XLRI admissions personal interview phase, the essay will be assessed.

The XAT is a computer-based test (CBT), and it takes 190 minutes to complete. Because the XAT exam paper offers such a variety of parts, applicants should plan appropriately. They should first evaluate the XAT Syllabus 2024 before organizing their studies as per their evaluation of the syllabus for each area. The experts say that four to five months should be sufficient for XAT preparation. To learn more about the XAT curriculum, exam format, section-by-section XAT subjects, and frequently asked questions about the XAT Syllabus 2024, read the entire article.

Important Changes to the 2024 XAT Syllabus

According to the pattern from the previous year, there will be a total of 101 questions in the entrance exam, and candidates will have a total of 180 minutes to complete the entire XAT question paper. A further 10 minutes will be allotted if there is an essay writing portion. There will be a total of five sections in the XAT exam format in 2024.

  • Verbal and Logical Ability (VA and LR)
  • Decision Making (DM)
  • Quantitative Ability and Data Interpretation (QA and DI)
  • General Knowledge (GK)
  • Essay Writing

Verbal and logical ability, decision-making and quantitative ability, data interpretation, and general knowledge are the major portions that will determine the XAT percentile, while essay writing is taken into account throughout the shortlisting process.

Sections in XAT 2024

Number of questions


75 MCQs

Verbal and Logical Ability


Decision Making


Quantitative Ability & Data Interpretation




General Knowledge


Essay Writing (250 words)


Total questions (Part 1 + Part 2)



XAT Syllabus 2024, Section-by-Section

Look at the whole XAT exam syllabus pdf, which lists every subject from which questions will be drawn.

XLRI XAT Syllabus: The Verbal and Logical Ability

There will be 26 questions in the XAT Verbal and Logical Ability portion, following the trend from the previous year. The majority of the queries will come from verbal abilities and reading comprehension. In this section, students may need to answer a few verbal reasoning and reading questions. Candidates can consult the themes listed below, which will serve as the basis for the questions in this section.

Topics on the XAT Syllabus 2024: Verbal and Logical Ability

Analogy-Based on Vocabulary

Fill in the blanks

Critical Reasoning/ Inference

Sentence Correction

Reading Comprehension

Para Jumble


Para Completion




Paragraph Formation Questions

Cloze Test, etc.




A list of books to read for the XAT Verbal and Logical Ability

To prepare for the Verbal and Logical Ability part of the XAT 2024, candidates might use these books. Experts have recommended these books.



Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension

Ajay Singh

Analytical Reasoning

MK Pandey

High School English Grammar & Composition

Wren & Martin

Word Power Made Easy

Norman Lewis

A Modern Approach to Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning

RS Aggarwal


XLRI XAT Syllabus for Decision-Making

There will be 21 questions in the XAT's Decision-Making portion. Decision-making questions will require candidates to read certain texts. Candidates are tested in this portion on how they make judgments, how they would respond to various situations, etc. To ace the XAT Decision-Making section, candidates should practice the following topics.

  • Situational
  • Arithmetic
  • Analytical Reasoning etc.


XLRI XAT Syllabus: Top Books for Decision Making section

The following books are available for candidates to practice from as they get ready for the XAT Decision-Making part. These books are highly recommended by last year's XAT top scorers.



Jabbing the XAT (with solved papers)

RK Jha

Target XAT (Past papers and mock tests)

Disha Publication

Analytical and Logical Reasoning

Arihant Publications


XLRI XAT Syllabus: Quantitative Ability and Data Interpretation

Quantitative Ability will comprise the majority of the questions, with the Data Interpretation segment providing the remaining ones. There will be a total of 28 questions, following the trends from the previous year. Several of the questions will rely on reasoning. Candidates will be proficient in doing mathematical and numerical calculations. The following can be incorporated into candidates' XAT preparation plans. The XAT Quant and DI syllabi are listed below.



Data Analysis and Interpretation




Venn Diagram

Time & Work

Bar Charts


Profit and Loss

Data Sufficiency


Time and Distance

Scatter Plots



Functions & Graphs



Permutation & Combination



Recommended books for the XAT Quantitative Ability and Data Interpretation section



Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examination


Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examination

RS Aggarwal

Data Interpretation for the CAT

Nishit K Sinha

How to prepare for Data Interpretation

Arun Sharma


XAT Syllabus: General Knowledge Topics

The XAT GK syllabus consists of a variety of topics with a total of 25 weighted questions. All of the XAT GK questions will be split into two categories: questions about current events and questions about static GK. Science, history, geography, business, books and authors, the economy, and other topics are among the most often asked questions. Examine every subject related to the XAT General Knowledge segment.

General Knowledge

Current Affairs


Film & Television

National Capital





National Issues



Important dates

Ecosystem and Diversity



Books & Authors




While preparing for the XAT 2024, candidates should additionally read the following newspapers or periodicals in addition to the general knowledge themes stated above.

Economic Times

Newspapers and Magazines

The Financial Times

Competition Success Review

Business Today

Business World

Hindu Business Line

The Hindu

Wall Street Journal

Financial Express


XAT SyllabusPdf

According to the most recent changes made by the authorities, students can download the free PDF format of the XAT Syllabus from their official website. According to the current XAT exam pattern, the XAT Syllabus pdf will aid in improving XAT 2024 preparation. Online resources include a pdf download of the XAT Syllabus 2024.


Q1. The XAT 2024 will have how many questions?

Every year, the total number of questions varies, however, based on trends from previous years, there will be 100 MCQs and 1 descriptive question.

Q2. Does the XAT have a negative marking?

Yes, every incorrect response will result in a 0.25-point deduction.

Q3. How long does the XAT exam last?

In total, candidates will have 180 minutes (3 hours) to complete the XAT 2024 question paper. An additional 10 minutes will be allotted for the essay writing component.

Q4. Is the XAT harder than the cat?

Both the XAT and the CAT are harder than other MBA entry tests in terms of exam difficulty.

Q5. What topics are covered by the XAT?

The Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension; Decision Making; Quantitative Aptitude; General Awareness and Essay Writing components of the Xavier Aptitude Test - XAT Syllabus 2024 are broken down into five separate subsections. All three of the other core sections, except General Awareness, are used to calculate the XAT percentile score and XLRI shortlisting criterion.

Q6. What type of GK is tested on the XAT?

The main topics were current GK (business economy, personalities, awards, sports, and other topics) and static GK (Economy, Geography, Science and Technology).

Q7. What percentage of the XAT's GK portion is weighted?

There will be 25 questions in the General Knowledge (GK) section, each worth one mark.

Q8. Does the XAT exam have a negative marking?

Yes, in the XAT 2024 exam, 0.25 points will be subtracted for each wrong answer.

Q9. Describe the XAT Syllabus.

The XAT Syllabus has been established by XLRI Jamshedpur and covers themes in decision-making, General Knowledge, Verbal and Logical Ability, Quantitative Ability,and Data Interpretation.


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