1. Economic Transformation of Emerging Markets: Trends and Insights
Examining the economic growth and transformation of emerging markets.
Analyzing the key drivers of economic change in emerging economies.
2. Global Trade Policies and Agreements: Implications for Emerging Markets
Investigating the impact of international trade policies and agreements on emerging markets.
Assessing trade barriers, tariffs, and trade negotiations affecting these markets.
3. Innovation and Technology in Emerging Market Trade
Exploring how emerging markets leverage innovation and technology to enhance their competitiveness in global trade.
Case studies on tech-driven success stories in emerging market trade.
4. Supply Chain Dynamics in Emerging Markets
Analyzing the role of emerging markets in global supply chains.
Evaluating challenges and opportunities in supply chain integration in emerging economies.
5. Investment Strategies in Emerging Markets: Infrastructure and Beyond
Assessing foreign direct investment trends in emerging markets.
Exploring infrastructure development and its impact on trade growth.
6. Sustainability and Responsible Trade Practices in Emerging Markets
Discussing sustainability initiatives, environmental considerations, and ethical trade practices in emerging economies.
Strategies for promoting responsible trade in these markets.
7. Geopolitical Factors and Emerging Market Trade
Analyzing the influence of geopolitical factors on trade dynamics in emerging markets.
Evaluating the role of international relations in shaping trade opportunities and challenges.
8. Consumer Behavior and Emerging Market Opportunities
Understanding changing consumer preferences and behavior in emerging markets.
Strategies for market entry and expansion in these diverse consumer landscapes.
9. Financial and Risk Management in Emerging Market Trade
Addressing financial risks associated with trade in emerging markets, including currency fluctuations.
Risk mitigation strategies for businesses and investors.
10. Case Studies and Best Practices in Emerging Market Trade
Presenting real-world case studies showcasing successful trade strategies in emerging markets.
Highlighting best practices and lessons learned.
The Abstract and Full Paper has to be submitted as per given Guideline on given email ic@kccilhe.edu.in
Guidelines for Abstract Submission
Selection of papers for presentation and discussion will be based on the abstract submitted. The abstract of about 300 words must include the purpose, methodology, major findings of the research and the keywords. It should follow the guidelines given below:
Length and reference: 300 words; Font: Times New Roman; Font Size: 12 points; 1.5 space
Title Page: Title, Author(s), Affiliation(s), Contact Details
Guidelines for Full Paper Submission
Spacing: 15, Font: Times New Roman, Font Size: 12 Points , Margin of one inch all around
Title page: The title page of manuscript must include the title of the theme, names of authors including the corresponding author, affiliations, keywords (maximum 5), phone numbers & email.
References: APA formatting style. All tables, charts and graphs should be given on separate sheets with title.
Paper must have not been published or accepted for publication elsewhere an undertaking to this effect should appear in the cover letter / email.