IPU CET 2025 Exam Centres Overview
The Guru Gobind Singh lndraprastha University, Delhi shall conduct the online Computer Based Test / Common Entrance Test (CET) for the purpose of admission in BJMC, B.Ed., BCA, BBA and B.Com (H) programmes of the University for the academic session 2021-22, on the following dates and venues:

CET Dates
CET Timing
Venue (Cities)
08:00 A.M. to 10:30 A.M.
(1st Shift)
Delhi NCR (New Delhl, Gurugram, Faridabad, Ghaziabad, Noida & Gr. Noida)
e Lucknow
12:30 P.M. to 03:00 P.M.
(2nd Shift)
05:00 P.M. to 07:30 P.M.
(3rd Shift)
ß8:00 A.M. to 10:30 A.M
(1st Shift)
12:30 P.M. to 03:00 P.M.
(2nd Shift)
B.Com (H)
05:00 P.M. to 07:30 P.M.
(3’d Shift)
The candidates appearing for BBA-CET have been divided into two shifts. They are advised to verify their lime of exam/shift as mentioned in the Admit Card.
The candidates are also advised to keep visiting the University website (www.ipu.ac.in) regularly for latest updates. Candidates wiI1 also receive SMS regarding their examination centers and other details shortly.
IPU CET 2025 Exam Centres : Guru Govind Singh Indraprastha University is a state level university providing quality education to the students for many years now. This has been the sole motto of IPU and considers it as a privilege that people at IPU are getting immense opportunities to outshine the name of the country. Many students have made flourishing careers after studying at IPU.
The reason behind this is that at IPU, students are not selected or Judged on the basis of their Marks. They are carefully handpicked on the groundwork of their talent and knowledge gained throughout their school life. This means that students are propelled towards giving more emphasis on their learning rather than on cramming. All this is made possible when GGSIPU Conducts an All India University Level Entrance Exam for the students to select for the various courses offered by them.
Guru Govind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi, conducts an all India University Level Common Entrance Test (CET) for admission into its various undergraduate, postgraduate and Diploma Programs. Admission into various Courses in IPU for the session commencing in the year 2024 will be held on the basis of IPU CET 2024 that will be held in the Month of April- May 2022. These Exams are organized every year only once to offer Admissions into various UG and PG programs.
The official notification of the form will be released in the month of February 2024. Therefore the candidates must check the website regularly. The application fee for IPU CET 2024 is Rs. 1200 for all the candidates. Applicants can make payment of application fee through debit/credit card/ net banking. Candidates are required to give their Working and valid mobile number and a valid E mail ID.

Exam Centers
Candidates from all over India can apply for this exam. The exam is conducted all over India with centers in the cities such as Ambala, Bangalore, Chandigarh, Delhi, Varanasi, Udaipur, Lucknow, Jodhpur, Jalandhar, Dehradun, Bhopal, Hyderabad, Jaipur Kolkata, Lucknow, Siliguri and Bangalore.
Candidates can choose the center of their choice according to their need and convenience during the filling of IPU CET 2025 application form. IP University may drop any of the above mentioned centers if sufficient number of applicants are not available or for any other reason deemed appropriate by the University.
Important Instructions that the candidates must follow-
• Candidates must compulsorily carry two copies of the printed Admit Card with passport size photo pasted on it along with a valid ID Proof in original. This is Compulsory.
• Candidates must reach the examination centre at least one hour before the designated time written on their Admit Cards. Candidates coming late to the Exam Centre will not be allowed to enter the Examination Hall.
• Applicants will leave the examination hall only after the exam is over. Under no circumstances shall a candidate leave the exam centre before the stipulated time.
• Before leaving the Exam centre candidate must compulsorily hand over their OMR Answer Sheet and test booklet to the invigilator present in the examination centre.
• Any beverages or snacks are not allowed in the examination centre.
• Candidate should not carry any textual material, printed or written, bits of papers or any other material except IPU CET Admit Card inside the examination hall. Candidates found with any unwanted material in the Examination hall will be dealt strictly and actions will be taken against them.
• Carrying of calculator, pen, cell phone, pager, watch, pen drive and other electronic item to the Examination Centre is strictly prohibited. The University will neither make any arrangement for the safe custody of these items nor will be responsible for the loss of any such item.
• Candidates must maintain the discipline and decorum of the examination hall. They must not resort to any unfair means. Candidates failing to apply this rule will be subject to strict disciplinary actions by the university.
• Candidates must not obtain or give any undesirable assistance of any kind during the Test to anyone, as it shall be treated as the use of unfair means.
• Applicants attempting to note down questions during the test or to taking away pages from the Test Booklet will be viewed very seriously, and hence legal action may be taken.
The decision in regard of usage of unfair means shall be taken by the on the recommendation of a constituted committee by the Controller of Examinations of the University.
Candidates must comply with the above mentioned rules positively.
IPU CET 2025 Admit cards will be issued one week prior to the date of the exam. Applicants can download admit cards from the official website of the university by using valid login credentials. It will be important for the candidates to carry a printed copy of the admit card to the exam centre. No candidate will be allowed without admit card. Candidates have to carry two copies of the Admit card to the exam centre.
The test paper will consist of 150 objective questions. Total Time that will be provided to the candidates will be 2 Hours and 30 Minutes. Result for IPU CET 2025 will be declared in an online mode. The result will be prepared in the form of merit/rank of each said candidate who appeared for IPU CET 2025. This result card is to be printed by the said candidate and saved for the counseling round. The candidates are instructed to keep the admit card very carefully for the counseling round.
Candidates appearing for any round of counseling, pertaining to the availability of seats, will have to carry a few mandatory documents along with them. These are to be carried both in original along with two photocopies of each document which is to be submitted in the respective colleges.
Therefore, all the candidates must prepare well for their CET and Give their best during their Exams.
Other Important Links of IPU CET 2025