Career after BA LLB

In India, the legal profession has changed dramatically over time. Legal professionals today take part in more activities than only appearing in court on behalf of their clients today. As a result, the BA LLB scope has expanded over time, as have the job opportunities available to BA LLB graduates and those who pursue careers in law. Nowadays, corporate businesses, IT firms, administrative services, law agencies, and corporate houses are looking for candidates with a BA LLB degreedue to the increase of opportunities available in a career after BA LLB.
Lawyers in India are not restricted to positions in the legislative, executive, or judicial branches of the government. Because regulations are constantly evolving, businesses must choose legal counsel that can meet new requirements in a range of business areas.

Top careers after BA LLB

Following earning your BA LLB degree, whether from a public college or private college or through online classes, you can lead a lucrative careerin a range of options from joining a master’s program like an MBA or LLM to applying for high-paying jobs. It's crucial to identify your true calling and do the appropriate research. It is up to you to decide which field of employment you want to pursue as a career after BA LLB—they can be in the public or private sectors. You should carefully consider the top positions on the following list while contemplating your work prospects after earning your BA LLB degree.

Litigation Lawyer 

After earning their BA LLB degrees, the majority of attorneys often choose this as one of their top occupations. If you wish to work as a litigation attorney, you must have successfully finished a 5-year BBA LLB or BA LLB program. You can become an advocate in India if you choose this professional path, which is among the best options for a career after BA LLB. BA LLB scope expands to a wide range of possibilities for a legal career because of its broad scope in the modern world.Depending on your skills, you may expect to make between 5 and 10 LPA. After a BA LLB, this is one of the top government jobs.

Corporate Counsellor 

If you're wondering what to do with a law degree after earning your BA LLB, corporate firms provide some of the best positions in the legal field. One of the most popular areas of law in India and one that offers plenty of employment opportunities after earning a BA LLB degreeis corporate law. Such specialists can provide corporate company counselling by joining the organization, working there full-time, or starting their own law business and providing corporate company counselling as needed.Careers after BA LLB include salary for new graduates ranging from 3 LPA to 6 LPA.

Cyber Lawyer 

Hacking, hostile attacks, and other fraudulent behaviours are a constant problem in the information technology sector. As a result, cyber attorneys are one of the most in-demand professional careers after BA LLB. Cyber attorneys are necessary for world-class businesses, both public and private. Intellectual property, data security and privacy, cybercrimes, and electronic and digital signatures are just a few of the issues that a cyber-law expert must address. The beginning wage range for cyber attorneys is between 6 and 8 LPA.

Business Lawyer

One of the best careers after BA LLB degree is business law. So think about taking this route if you wish to broaden your horizons. You're going worldwide because there are so many options for this career path. Management-related specialists are needed in every business. After earning your BA LLB degree, you are eligible to pursue a master's in business administration. Candidates seeking LLB employment possibilities will benefit from having an MBA.
Depending on the firm you apply to and your degree of expertise, the typical package for business lawyers is from 5 to 8 LPA.

Company Secretary 

The position of company secretary is another of the most profitable ones available after earning aBA LLB degree. Enroll in one of the top company secretary programs after receiving your BA LLB degree. Recently, the BA LLB+CS combination has gained popularity, and many employers now favour applicants who hold both degrees. You must participate in the curriculum offered by the Institute of Company Secretaries of India in order to become certified. You will have several career options in the market if you pass all the exams.
The beginning wage package is from 6 to 8 LPA, and it will rise quickly as you gain experience.

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