XAT Exam Pattern

On its official website, XLRI Jamshedpur describes the XAT exam pattern 2024. There will be 3 sections of the exam, per the official XAT exam pattern 2024. On January 7, 2024, the XAT entrance exam will be given as a computer-based test. The XAT exam will last 210 minutes (Part I: 175 minutes; Part II: 5 minutes; Part III: 30 minutes). For additional information on the XAT exam time, the sectional breakdown of questions, and other topics, read the article.

XAT Exam Pattern 2024

Only the English language will be used to administer the XAT exam. Verbal Ability and Logical Reasoning (VA & LR), Decision-making (DM), and Quantitative Aptitude and Data Interpretation (QA & DI) will all be included in Part I of the XAT 2024 question paper. Part II will consist of a simulated keyboard test that lasts for five minutes, and Part III will include a general knowledge (GK) component and an analytical essay writing (AEW) section. For each hour, the PwD candidates will receive an additional 20 minutes.

There will be 100 total questions on the XAT exam, plus 1 essay writing question. The type and quantity of questions that will be asked during the exam are also mentioned in the XAT Exam Pattern. XLRI Jamshedpur administers the XAT, a national entrance exam for MBA admissions that is typically regarded as having high standards.

XAT Exam Pattern 2024: Highlights

Exam Structure


Number of sections

5 Sections along with Mock Keyboard Testing

  • Verbal Ability and Logical Reasoning
  • Decision-making
  • Quantitative Aptitude and Data Interpretation
  • General Knowledge
  • Analytical Essay Writing

XAT time duration

205 minutes (+5 min.)

Candidates with disabilities will receive an extra 20 minutes each hour.

Number of questions

101 + 1 AEW

Total marks


Language of paper


Number of answer choices


Mode of examination


XAT marking scheme

1 mark for a correct response

0.25 deducted for a wrong answer

0.10 deducted for more than 8 consecutive questions that are not attempted

There are no mark deductions in the GK portion


XAT Exam Pattern 2024: Significant New Changes

The XAT Exam pattern has been updated, and the exam will now be divided into three parts for the year 2024. The XAT Exam pattern has undergone the significant revisions listed below:

  • The general knowledge and essay writing elements have been integrated into Part 3. This part will now last 30 minutes, as opposed to the previous 25.
  • The only question that won't be an MCQ is the essay. The exam will have 101 multiple-choice questions in total, including 76 in Part 1 and 25 in Part 3.
  • GK test results won't be considered for calculating the final XAT score.
  • The XAT paper is now 210 minutes long instead of the previous 190 minutes.

XAT Exam Pattern 2024: Sectional Organization of Questions

The overall number of questions that will be asked in the XAT 2024 will be 101+1 AEW, in accordance with trends in the XAT exam pattern. Multiple-choice questions are part of the XAT exam pattern. Decision-making, Verbal and Logical Ability, Quantitative Ability and Data Interpretation, General Knowledge, and the Essay Writing portion are the sections from which questions are drawn for the XAT exam.

The 210-minute XAT 2024 exam has no sectional time restrictions. Let's examine the exam paper for the XAT's variable distribution of questions.

Section-by-Section XAT Exam Pattern 2024


Number of Questions


Question Types

XAT Part-I

Verbal Ability and Logical Reasoning (VA&LR)



The VA&LR portion will cover vocabulary, English grammar, reading comprehension (including poetry and passages), critical and analytical reasoning, and other related exercises like para jumbles and cloze examinations.

Decision-making (DM)


There will be examples from both the personal and professional questions in the DM section. To make wise decisions, candidates will need to use critical thinking, problem-solving techniques, and prioritization.

Quantitative Aptitude and Data Interpretation (QA & DI)


The questions in this area are made to test the quantitative ability of applicants who have a solid grasp of basic concepts in mathematics such as arithmetic, algebra, geometry, mensuration, etc. Clear interpretation, concise summation, and perceptive analysis of the data are all topics covered in the DI questions.


Mock Keyboard Testing



The candidates will be required to type on the keyboard to test it. They need to type certain phrases. For Instance: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.


General Knowledge (GK)



Ten of the GK questions will be static GK questions, and the remaining 15 will be current affairs questions.

Analytical Essay Writing (AEW)


Candidates will choose one of three topics available for the AEW segment. The length of the essay should be around 250 words, and it should show coherence, logical consistency, and good argumentation. It also serves as a test of the student's analytical skills.


XAT Marking Scheme 2024

The marking scheme is one of the most important components of the XAT exam pattern. Compared to other test papers, the XAT marking method has a unique pattern. For questions asked in the General Knowledge sections of the XAT, there is no negative grading. For every erroneous response, there is a 0.25 mark deduction, nevertheless. Additionally, if the candidate skips 8 questions, 0.10 marks will be deducted from their score. Look at the XAT scoring system below:

  • For each accurate response on the XAT, one mark will be awarded.
  • 0.25 mark will be deducted for every wrong answer.
  • -More than eight unanswered questions will result in a 0.10-point deduction.
  • The General Knowledge (GK) component will not be penalized.
  • The XAT score will not be determined by the results of the General Knowledge portion.

XAT Exam Pattern for the Past 6 Years

In India, more than 150 prestigious business schools, including XLRI Jamshedpur, MICA Ahmedabad, XIM Bhubaneswar, IMT Ghaziabad, and S P Jain Mumbai, recognize XAT scores. Given the availability of question papers, answer keys, and the option for applicants to request a score recount, the XAT is one of the most open MBA entrance exams.

Exam Year

Total Number of Questions

Section-wise number of questions

Marking Scheme

Level of Difficulty

XAT 2023


VARC: 26

DM: 21

QA & DI: 28

GK: 25

Essay: 1 (to be evaluated upon shortlisting)

+1 for each right answer

-0.25 for each wrong answer

0.10 deducted for more than 8 consecutive questions that are not attempted

Easy to Moderate

XAT 2022


VARC: 26

DM: 21

QA & DI: 28

GK: 25

Essay: 1 (to be evaluated upon shortlisting)

+1 for each right answer

-0.25 for each wrong answer

0.10 deducted for more than 8 consecutive questions that are not attempted

Moderate to difficult

XAT 2021


VARC: 26

DM: 21

QA & DI: 28

GK: 25

+1 for each right answer

-0.25 for each wrong answer

0.10 deducted for more than 8 consecutive questions that are not attempted

Moderate to difficult

XAT 2020


VARC: 26

DM: 21

QA & DI: 28

GK: 25

+1 for each right answer

-0.25 for each wrong answer

0.10 deducted for more than 8 consecutive questions that are not attempted

Moderate to difficult

XAT 2019


VARC: 26

DM: 21

QA & DI: 27

GK: 25

+1 for each right answer

-0.25 for each wrong answer

0.5deducted for more than 8 consecutive questions that are not attempted

Moderate to difficult

XAT 2018


VARC: 24

DM: 21

QA & DI: 27

GK: 25

One essay topic

+1 for each right answer

-0.25 for each wrong answer;

0.5deducted for more than 8 consecutive questions that are not attempted

Moderate to difficult


Time Slots Allotted to Each Section: XAT Exam Duration 2024



Overall & Sectional Exam Duration


Verbal & Logical Ability

No Sectional Time Limit

Quantitative Aptitude & Data Interpretation

No Sectional Time Limit

Decision Making

No Sectional Time Limit

Overall Part 1

175 minutes


Mock Keyboard Testing

5 minutes


General Knowledge

No Sectional Time Limit

Essay Writing

No Sectional Time Limit

Overall Part 3

30 minutes



Q1. Which languages are used for the XAT exam?

The XAT exam is exclusively given in English. The XAT question paper exclusively contains English-language questions.

Q2. Which portion of the XAT 2024 question paper will have the most questions?

There will be a total of 28 questions in the Quantitative Aptitude & Data Interpretation part of the XAT question paper. There will be 26, 22, and 25 questions in the VALR, DM, and GK sections, respectively.

Q3. What format will the XAT 2024 exam questions take?

A descriptive essay question will be included in the 101 MCQs that make up the XAT question paper. Only one of the five possible answers for each question will be accurate.

Q4. Does the XAT question paper's GK section have a negative marking system?

No, there are no failing scores on the XAT's GK portion.

Q5. How long will the XAT 2024 exam last?

The XAT exam lasts for 210 minutes.

Q6. What kinds of inquiries will be made in the XAT 2024?

Multiple-choice questions and one subjective question are included in the questions.


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